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Hi, I'm Alex

Your Negotiation Navigator

I've gone from being a teenage runaway working on a factory floor to becoming a senior executive at a University in charge of delivering a $1.2b earthquake recovery.

Across the course of my career I have negotiated everything from United Nations statements to legislation to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of contracts and dispute settlements, I know the power of being able to negotiate your way to solutions that solve problems.

After managing hundreds of people and coaching them to negotiate better outcomes, it's time to put those negotiation skills to work in the service of women.

I have navigated through some unusual and gruelling conditions

It helps that I have worked as a senior executive with wide portfolio experience including property and infrastructure, technology, healthcare, libraries, media, politics and tertiary education.

My experience means my negotiation methods have been tested over time and work in a wide range of settings.

Applied, practical, executive experience

My career has been about achieving outcomes and negotiation skills are critical to that success. So the methods I teach have purpose. They are connected to getting you the outcomes you want. They don't stand alone as some kind of procurement party-trick, their purpose is to help you reach your goals.

As an executive leader I have been coaching my staff how to navigate better outcomes for twenty years. Now I am coaching individuals and teams to do the same.

And, I have some terrific Negotiation Navigator flight miles under my belt.

Demonstrated track record

I have negotiated literally hundreds of millions of dollars worth of contracts primarily in construction, property and technology. I have also negotiated tens of millions of dollars worth of commercial settlement agreements. And I have negotiated multiple six figure salaries, healthy bonuses and a wide range of non-cash benefits for myself and for other people. I do this using collaborative negotiation methods. Best of all, I can teach you to do the same.

So if you are ready to step up, learn some new behaviours, get rid of the old way of thinking that has been holding you back, you're in the right place.

The mission

To get negotiating skills into the lives of one million women.


So the video [👈 over there] contains the full story about how my business came about, but the short version is this:

I am totally fed up with women not being paid the same as men for the work they do - it's ridiculous!

So I decided I would do something about it.

The bottom line

So here's the thing, if you don't ask, you won't get.

In forty years of employment, I have never seen a boss walk into a workplace and spontaneously hand out pay rises to employees.

I know it feels really crappy, but if you don't get prepared and then ask for what you want, those mediocre people will keep being promoted around you.

Happily there is a way through. Refreshingly, the very things that make women fabulous managers of people,

are also the skills (according to a Stanford University study) that see women out perform their male colleagues when negotiating for others.

The key is the confidence to see how a negotiation benefits the people you love and frame your negotiation mindset around that.

Then with practice you won't ever feel awful about asking for a pay rise again.


Available for speaking engagements